So yes, it's official, I'm sick again, and last night I had a hefty dose of Nyquil before falling asleep. I'm going to assume that the Nyquil was responsible for the crazy that followed but who really knows?
My dream started out with my being a bridesmaid for one of my Indian girlfriends who is already married. Not only was I wearing a poofy lavender satin gown, but my hair was done up in a style best described as "Epileptic Bouffant on PCP". Said horrendo hairstyle was also collapsing so I was running around trying desperately to pin it back in place when I ran into the new James Bond, Daniel Craig, sequestered in a closet watching all his own movies on DVD. This I found to be totally hilarious, so of course he became irate and then we started making out. Buh??? I don't even think the man is attractive (although yes ok, that shot of him in his swim trunks in Casino Royale is indeed tasty and delicious. From the neck down anyway.) So once I escaped his clutches I managed to catch a train (that was really a boat) with one of the girls who was in my sorority in college, some college kid, and a nice little lady who works at my company in our New Jersey office. I then hopped off the boat-train with my colleague in time to catch my best friend's sister driving around looking for my best friend. By this time my bridesmaid dress was gone and we were all running around in our underwear, which was ok because we had new dresses (this time in black satin - presumably my brain was starting to shake off the Nyquil) waiting for us. Except we still had to wear the purple veils that came with the original dresses.
I'm not sure if I should never take Nyquil again or take it every night from now on.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Curiouser and Curiouser
So, back from Boston safely and the client visit went ok. A couple of hiccups which our customer care department helped me work through relatively quickly. One completely weird thing is that I was flying back on the last flight out on Wednesday night, and the flight was pretty empty. I really thought the guy sitting on the other side of the plane was one of my friend's boyfriends, but I wasn't positive since I've only seen him a few times. So in addition to being unsure it was him, I was also pretty tired so I didn't say anything to him. I emailed my friend the next day and it turns out it WAS him. Freaky small world, yeah?
I cannot believe we are sitting here waiting for another blizzard. I want to cry but I know I have to conserve my energy to clear the driveway tomorrow.
I'm still crushing on my boy and he still seems to like me too. Unfortunately I had a dream that he turned into this guy:

Remember? Mel from the 70's sitcom "Alice"? Yeah. In my dream I had to pretend I was ok with this metamorphosis but dear Lord was I happy when I woke up. The boy is cute like a button and Mel is...not.
I suspect I might be catching another cold which would make this the craziest cold season ever for me - I rarely catch more than one cold a year. I am sucking down Airborne and Zicam hoping for the best.
I was thinking what would happen to CNN and the other 24-hr news schmoes if the Anna Nicole Smith story were proceeding at its usual surreal pace, AND there was another new break in the JonBenet Ramsey case AND Britney Spears busted out of rehab and got her labia pierced. Would Wolf Blitzer's head spontaneously combust?
I cannot believe we are sitting here waiting for another blizzard. I want to cry but I know I have to conserve my energy to clear the driveway tomorrow.
I'm still crushing on my boy and he still seems to like me too. Unfortunately I had a dream that he turned into this guy:
Remember? Mel from the 70's sitcom "Alice"? Yeah. In my dream I had to pretend I was ok with this metamorphosis but dear Lord was I happy when I woke up. The boy is cute like a button and Mel is...not.
I suspect I might be catching another cold which would make this the craziest cold season ever for me - I rarely catch more than one cold a year. I am sucking down Airborne and Zicam hoping for the best.
I was thinking what would happen to CNN and the other 24-hr news schmoes if the Anna Nicole Smith story were proceeding at its usual surreal pace, AND there was another new break in the JonBenet Ramsey case AND Britney Spears busted out of rehab and got her labia pierced. Would Wolf Blitzer's head spontaneously combust?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Mixed Emotions
A list of emotions (in no particular order)
- Resignation: I have to fly out to Boston tomorrow to help a client with an installation. Thankfully it's a short trip and I'll be back late Wednesday night. Hopefully everything goes well. I also remembered late today that I would only need a carry-on bag and had no quart size Ziploc bags for any possible liquid thing I might need to take with, necessitating a quick trip to Walgreen's trying to find bags and hygiene products in 3 oz size or less. Sigh.
- Confusion: Why am I supposed to care that Britney Spears shaved her head?
- Gratitude: It didn't seem so cold out today and next week is supposed to warm up nicely (i.e. constant double-digit temperatures). The snowblower came out twice last week and I am so sick of dirty slushy white piles and cold.
- Discomfort: My back hurts. Getting older and falling apart is starting to suck.
- Happiness: I am crushing on a boy (well, a man) who seems to like me in return. Cute? Yes. Sweet? Yes. And that just describes me - he brings even more to the party.
- Fear: See happiness. Wondering and waiting to see what happens.
- Contentment: curling up on the couch with my two favorite kitties is still one of the best feelings ever.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Blog Dump
Hello sports fans, long time no blog, yes I know. It's been a long few weeks, which included:
- What felt like the longest business trip in the history of mankind (11 days total), a symphony of enforced sitting overlaid with boredom interspersed with mild hints of interest and irritation, all of which was conveniently joined midstream by
- A superfun cold whose remnants I am still regularly evicting from my nose. Luckily there was a Target next to my hotel and I could crawl over there and get one of every cold medicine I could find. Zicam tastes like metallic cherryass but I do think it helped me shake off the fun faster. I was feeling mostly human again by the time I came back home, which was also just in time for
- the most disappointing Super Bowl in recent history. Hexy Rexy showed up instead of Sexy Rexy. I said it when he got hired and I'm saying it again now - Ron Turner is not a good offensive coordinator. The Colts controlled the clock masterfully and thanks to the regular 3-and-out Bears offense (or if we were super lucky, interception/fumble-and-out) the defense was worn out by halftime and couldn't have been expected to defend a pork roast from an Orthodox Jew. Aside from the bitter aftertaste of having to hand Peyton Manning his Super Bowl ring, I remain mostly philosophical about this season and am optimistic about next year. Heck, no one saw the Super Bowl coming this year, so Lovie Smith and the gang did pretty all right.
- This business trip also included a mandatory weekend stay to get to know your colleagues better. We had the choice of a day trip to the Livermore wine country (southwest - or wast it southeast? of San Ramon, CA) or a tour of San Francisco. Having been to SF several times I chose the wine country tour which was mostly fun. Real estate development is so rampant in California, that the local governments and folk really have to fight to preserve any land they can for the wineries. Really very surreal to drive by subdivisions of houses that are butt-up next to grapevines. There was a lot of wine tasting and I brought home a nice Pinot Noir from Tenuta Vineyards. (No relation to Judy Tenuta as far as I know)
- There's a possibility I may get to go to Montreal next month for work, if mgmt gives the ok and I can get an expedited passport in time.
- I completed my first experiment in cable knitting (a reversible cable-knit scarf) and it looks pretty good if I do say so. I'm still not wanting to try a sweater though.
- I am so sick of snow.
- Upon my return to the arctic chills of Chicago, my face dried up faster than my ladybits after seeing Kevin Federline's Super Bowl commercial. I need a better moisturizer. And to not see Kevin Federline ever again.
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