Why do I doubt that Tag Body Spray for Men actually makes women's blouses pop open? I really think that's more due to shoddy manufacturing (Nothing against the poor sweatshop kids, it's impossible to produce haute couture when making shirts for 20 hours a day at a penny a shirt)
My dog is Tom Cruise. This piece is delightful, although I do think it insults dogs. Scientologists, I can still hear Tom Cruise talking. I distinctly recall politely asking you to do something about that. I was flipping channels this weekend and came across Jerry Maguire. I realized that I was able to stomach most of this movie because Tom Cruise in the role of smarmy clueless asshole really clicks for me. It's just so natural. Although the movie sucked in that you never believe that his character and Renee Zellweger's really fell in love. Oh let's get married, oh let's break up, oh let's spend 14 minutes apart and realize that we really ARE in love so Tom Cruise can deliver a crappy teary monologue only to be interrupted by Renee Zellweger admitting that she's easy. Whatever.
I knitted a lace scarf for my friend Brenda's birthday. Yes sports fans, I can do lace. Sort of. It's a pain in the butt though - I might do one for my mom for Christmas, kind of like a table runner thing, but I don't think I'll do those too often. Especially not in the face of 8 (or is it 10?) birthdays I have to handle in the Sept-Dec timeframe. BEFORE Christmas.
Queen of the Universe's blog spurred me into finishing Life of Pi which I bought many moons ago and never finished. It started off good, but kind of slow, so I got distracted, but it gets really good in the second half, in my opinion. The sheer extent and detail of the author's (Yann Martel) imagination is just dazzling. Sometimes depressing and horrifying, but dazzling. I have a couple of depressing books on the Rwandan genocide to work on now, including A Sunday by the Pool in Kigali.
I REALLY want to see March of the Penguins. I don't know why but I am just a sucker for penguins. (For anyone who wants to theorize that it's my subconscious desire to be surrounded by tuxedo-clad creatures - like I would be at say, my wedding - I'm here to tell you...hmm, maybe. But I doubt it. And if I marry someone who actually walks like a penguin, he will need to have a lot of other redeeming characteristics.)
I discovered during the Daily Show's interview with Sen. Rick Santorum, that I actually have something in common with the junior Republican senator from Pennsylvania. And no, it's not a secret desire for hot anal action. It seems he's written a book called It Takes a Family (super original title by the way, Ricky) and his take-home message is that personal accountability and learning of virtue starts at home. The family has the first and strongest influence on teaching a child right from wrong. Bravo!!! Excellent!!! TWO THUMBS WAY UP!!!
However, he went on to say that it is thus government's duty to protect the best, most ideal structure of family, which of course is man + woman = good babbies. Jon Stewart asked something along the lines of - would it not be better for a committed, loving, homosexual couple or a single parent who don't have an intimate relationship with cocaine to raise a child rather than say, an alcoholic or otherwise abusive heterosexual couple? Santorum sputtered (ain't THAT a visual by the way - Santorum sputtering) that this was comparing best case vs. worst case. Um, yeah? So? Those best and worst cases DO HAPPEN. OFTEN. Also I noticed that Sen. Santorum's face is unusually smooth and hairless, as though he had laser hair removal. Or he's a FemBot.
Well, it's off to bed for me, I have to get up and listen to my second-most sweet baboo-ey of sweet baboo's tomorrow first thing in the morning.