Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Dreams May Come

So last night I dreamt that I was going to be deported. How that is possible and to where I would be deported, I don't know, seeing as how I was born in this country, but in the regime of George W. Bush my subconscious probably figured anything was possible. So I'm being deported, and a guy I haven't seen since I graduated college agreed to marry me to keep INS off my ass. He then proceeds to get pissy at me for taking him for granted. This is a marriage of convenience, I say, there IS NOTHING to take for granted. He sulks and indicates he wants the marriage to be a real marriage. I wake up. I don't know why these dreams happen to me.


Laura said...

That's a dream some people make $150/hr to decipher. You're wacky. I think it means you need a pool boy. ;)

greatwhitebear said...

God, I am so glad to know someone else is having incredably wierd dreams besides me!

maybe it's the moon!

greatwhitebear said...

they are even affecting my spelling, apparently!

Anonymous said...

Donna's so old she needs a pool MAN!