Sunday, January 21, 2007

Blog Soup

Ok since I haven't blogged in a while, here is a mishmosh of stuff.

BEARS GO TO THE SUPER BOWL, BABY!!!!! WOOOOOO!!! The Bears are in the Super Bowl for the first time since I was a FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL. *does booty dance*. I think we might be able to beat the Colts if our defense and Sexy Rexy do as well as they did today against the Saints. Dome teams are notoriously bad in the post-season in open stadiums, which the Colts are and Dolphin Stadium is. So here's hoping we can stuff Peyton Manning and his hokey Sprint commercials in the can. And a bit of history-making, with Lovie Smith coaching the Bears and Tony Dungy coaching the Colts, this Super Bowl is the first one with ANY African-American head coaches, much less two of them going head to head. And the guys are best friends. Should be a good show.

I'm leaving Tuesday for the annual company conference and sales kickoff. Sigh. This time they are keeping us over a weekend for some casual teambuilding opportunity, and I have to stay an extra two days afterwards for a training course. So that's 11 days I have to be gone. At this point I just want to get it over with. I will miss my little kitties horribly.

I got this tin of dark chocolate-covered Altoids on Saturday. I thought they'd be weird but they're quite good.

As tagged by John of the Sarchasm
A - Available/Single or Taken? Single
B - Best Friend? Deb
C - Cake or pie? Cake.
D - Drink Of Choice? water or diet coke
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? my teeth
F - Favourite Color? blue. Not public bathroom turquoise blue though.
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Gummy bears.
H - Hometown? North suburbs of Chicago
I - Indulgence? dark chocolate
J - January Or February? February - it's closer to spring
K - Kids & Their Names? No
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? a comfy pillow.
M - Marriage date? No
N - Number Of Siblings? zero
O - Oranges Or Apples? Fuji Apples
P - Phobias/Fears? Clowns are fuckers.
Q - Favourite Quote? That's like asking me to choose between shit and shit with corn. (Yes that's mine)
R - Reason to Smile? purring kitties and chocolate
S - Season? Spring or Fall? Fall, there's only 3.5 days of spring in Chicago.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? Everyone I know has been tagged
U - Unknown Fact About Me? If I told you ingrates, it wouldn't be unknown.
V - Vegetable you don’t like? green peppers.
W - Worst Habit? I have none. I am awesome.
X - X-rays You’ve Had? just my sprained ankle.
Y - Your Favorite Food? Sushi
Z – Zodiac sign? Scorpio


cillic said...

apparently no-one knows me because no-one tagged me on this one. ah well.


R said...

C-- I tag you!
No one tagged me either! :P

I second the GO BEARS! :)

Laura said...

I didn't tag either of you guys b/c I

I love that shit with corn line too. Is that copyrighted? I need to use that more often. ;)