Monday, May 07, 2007

Toes and Dandelions

I took the day off Friday, got the 15k mile maintenance on my car in the morning (*sniff* my baby is all grown up and sliding down the hill of automotive deterioration!) and then took off for Springfield. My best friend lives down there, as far as I'm concerned there's no other reason to go down there. We ate lots of overly spicy Thai food, watched some pretty bad tv and a really bad movie (Turistas is worse than awful. I would have rather spent that time getting a barium enema.) and did some shopping and got pedicures on Saturday, went to church, and watched some more bad tv. A largely enjoyable (except for Turistas) mushy-brain weekend. And now my toes is pretty.

Dopey is mostly moved into his new place so was able to come visit me Sunday when I got back from Springfield. We hadn't seen each other for two weeks so got right down to playing Parcheesi for a while. No, "Parcheesi" is not a euphemism for something else.

Yes of course "Parcheesi" is a euphemism for something else. I don't even remember how to play Parcheesi.

Then this morning I had a dream that he took my bedroom doors off their hinges so he could move a really big tv into my room. I'm not sure what this is supposed to signify.

I really do not understand why this boy looks so happy to have had spiders in his ear.

The house next door to me is a rental (I think) and no one is living there now. The tenants over the years were never particularly lawn-conscious, but now the lawn over there is basically solid dandelions. At least it makes my lawn look better, although I will have to put down the turfbuilder/weedkiller sometime this week. Oh, for the days when indentured servants were legal.


R said...

A) Spiders in his ear? Oh, how totally nauseating.

B) You TOTALLY remember how to play parcheesi. I mean, "play parcheesi." ;)

C) Quick dream interpretation: See B.

Heathen said...

Eww- the spiders in the ears creeped me out! I remember having a nightmare as a kid (while sleeping in a dingy motel) that bugs kept trying to crawl in my ears. I woke up and spent the rest of the night with my hands tightly coering my ears.

I agree with R- see B for dream interpretation. I mean come on- he put a big TV in your closet? :p