Thursday, June 28, 2007

Douchebags du Jour

The world is full of douchebags. These are the first two that came to my attention today.

Premium catch of a man hates fatties and poor people.

Please let me elect a stupid cruel asshat to run the country. Again.

ETA: On a happier note, so NOT a douchebag:

Rahm Emanuel calls shenanigans on Darth Cheney

(Emanuel's not the douchebag. Darth Cheney TOTALLY is a douchebag.)

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love how the story points out Massachusetts law forbids the transportation of animals on the roof of cars... as if common fucking sense and decency wouldn't be enough....

I am totally bungee-strapping a stuffed dog to the top of our car with a Romney 2008 sign.