Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today in the Borders cafe: a very white man in a Green Bay Packers cap, reading Uncle Tom's Cabin with all the diligent concentration of a man defusing a bomb. Seriously, the book was 3 inches away from his nose.

On reality tv: I don't remember the channel or the name of the show, but apparently it's Wife Swap with hair stylists. The show caught my eye because the guide info said one of the people was in Gurnee which is very close to me, so I decided to see where they were filming. Apparently this salon requires Bible study during the workday for their employees? Whatever bakes their Eucharist bread I suppose, but I think I'll stick with my trusty stylist for the foreseeable future.

In my knitting group: A woman who can knit lightning-fast without even looking at her needles. I seriously envy her.

In my new favorite yarn store: a 50/50 blend yarn of soy (that's right, soy) silk and wool for 50% off. It feels really nice and has beautiful purples/blues/greens/tans running through it. It's from South West Trading Company and they have quite a few alternative fiber and alternative fiber blends including bamboo, milk protein, and hemp in addition to the soy silk.


Laura said...

My guess is the man is enrolled in some Literature class at a local community college or he joined a book club and is trying to impress a girl. Though, what book club would pick Uncle Tom's Cabin anymore? Too funny.

How can a yarn be 50/50 soy/silk/wool? :p

I want to try some alt yarns but they all seem to have some wool in them and I can't use that for me momz

Laura said...

Oh nevermind... soysilk and wool. not soy, silk, and wool...

shup it's early

Donna said...

Yes, soy silk and wool, not soy, silk, and wool :P

I saw a couple bamboo or bamboo/cotton yarns, maybe give those a try. I was also told by someone in my knitting group that Loopy Yarns is good for promoting vegan fibers so see what they can come up for ya.