Friday, September 14, 2007

The Crap People Get Paid Good Money For

So in the course of my enforced post-op inactivity, I've been napping, knitting, reading, and surfing the largely desolate landscape of daytime TV. Today I flipped past Food Network and was accosted by Sandra Lee, who in my opinion is the biggest no-talent ass muppet to hit food television, and that's saying a freaking lot considering how much airtime Rachael Ray and her EVOOMGSTFU gets.

So anyway, this woman was making what she called Vanilla Cranberry Can Cakes

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What are they? They're blueberry muffin mix without the blueberries and cranberries stirred in, baked in used food cans. Tarted-up used food cans by the time that pic was taken, but used cans all the same.

And she got paid who knows how much to show me this shit on TV.

I feel insane.


Laura said...

Why not just get cranberry muffin mix? Or is she assuming they don't carry that fancy shit at the local Pic n Save? Is she the Martha Stewart of truck-stop dinner parties?

Heathen said...

I have tried to watche r a couple of times, but I had to stop because I could feel the IQ points sliding out of my brain (I think that they were trying to get away from her).

Also, I don't trust any chef who doesn't look like they eat what they make- one of the many reasons I love the Barefoot Contessa.