- wishing among other things that Jeremiah Wright would stay out of the limelight for about three minutes
- musing about how relatively easy the Presidential campaign has been thus far for John McCain
- remembering a most apt (and out-of-context) quote by my new favorite author, Christopher Moore, whose book Fluke: Or I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings contains a chapter titled Heinous Fuckery Most Foul. Indeed. There is no bottom to how low humanity may sink.
Why is that at all a useful feature of anything resembling anything? Granted, at least someone at CNN appears to control what headlines may be displayed across Jen Q. Public's prodigious boobies (I would hate to see what sick fucks would order "Austrian incest suspect confesses") but come on. They're unattractive t-shirts bearing headlines with (thus far) little to no entertainment value.
I may not love the specific and taken-out-of-context sentiment of Jeremiah Wright, "God Damn America" but I sure could get down with the Good Lord giving a swift kick in the kitten to news-for-maximum-profit-and-nominal-information. I think even John McCain could give me hallelujah on that one.
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1 comment:
Cuz you know what I need?? More t-shirts!
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