Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stop and Start

Recovering from an emotional blow is something you have to take one day at a time. And I think that while it's true at the beginning that every day is a bit better than the day before, it's also true that some days you slide and fall backwards in the progress you've made. For me, this is because the blow has had sort of a ripple effect in making me think about other things and about the future, and sometimes that thinking is pretty negative.

That's when I have to turn on the tunes and dance.

So, sometimes I slide. But I've been getting back up every time.

Classes with Christina King have been going superawesome, and I'm still attending classes with one of my all-time favorite teachers and people (Nilaja of Calico Garden, see sidebar link) and started a bellydance/Zumba class last week. Good times! I also pulled the trigger on signing up for the full weekend of Tribal Revolution. Waiting to save up a bit more cash money before registering for Northern Lights happening later this year.

A lot of bellydancers use stage names for privacy reasons, and I think I am going to start doing this, and I think I've settled on "Loredona" as my name. I will be dancing at Jeannette and Shelby Daft's Tim Burton hafla (as the Corpse Bride!) on April 24 in West Allis, WI, and in Zafirah's fundraiser hafla on May 22 at Edith's Place in Mt. Prospect, IL. Possibly somewhere in there if I can get my act together I will also try to perform at my original bellydance mama Zayna's Sphinx hafla at Mango in Niles, IL.

And because I am super-scattered and overly enthusiastic at the beginning of any project/endeavor/whatnot I also picked up a pair of spinning poi in the hopes that someday I can do stuff like this:

So far I've just been really good at smacking myself with the poi. But I am not giving up! Yet. Ok just jokes I'm not giving up. Yet.

In non-bellydance related stuff, I am engaged in a love-hate relationship with the Travel Channel. I have a morbid fascination with Man vs. Food because a) there's delicious-looking food that gets profiled on the show but b) then he eats a revolting amount of it. And now I see they're starting some show about the World's Worst Drivers. Seriously? Operating a motor vehicle in a completely dipshit and irresponsible manner is something we're going to put on tv for grins? Unless the end of every episode involved the drivers being slapped senseless with dead fish, I'm not interested.

The Lady GaGa/Beyonce video for Telephone makes me so befuddled. OK GAGA. LET'S MAKE A SANDWICH. OF POISON. But I love the song and the fact that OMFG THAT BITCH IS CRAZY.

I don't know how I'd get through sometimes without my kitties smooshing their faces into mine.

Thanks to the time change, I'm getting to bed kind of late. But yay for darkness falling later! Check y'all next time.

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