Here is one of the babies (according to the article in the Tribune, two babies were brought before the public this week, there is a third baby that is still too young to come out and say hi) kind of squished under the penguin in the center. With low lighting and motion, I couldn't get too many good pictures but I did get a few.
The sea otters were moving way too fast for me to get a picture. So I got one of my own to take home - I decided his name is Jeffrey. Don't ask me why. It just popped into my head and stuck.
Homegrown Coral
Giant Japanese Spider Crab. Eep.
Overall, a really good trip - animals just make me happy for some reason, even the ones that squick me out like giant spider crabs and fish with whiskers. (No, I don't know why fish with whiskers freak me out but they do - it's like they couldn't decide what to be.)
This morning I went hiking on the Des Plaines River Trail. I'm embarrassed to say that I can get on the trail quite close to my house - it's about a 5 min drive - but I just never did before (although I've been on the DPR Trail farther south years and years ago) But I went today and headed north - I didn't quite make it to the top of the trail but I almost did, so I went about 8.5 - 9 miles round trip. And yes, I was sweating in spectacular fashion especially towards the end where there was little shade and lots of sun. But it felt really good and peaceful to just be in nature (even if you can occasionally hear the cars on nearby roads) and walk and get some perspective on things.
View from the trail near my house
A good bit of the trail was in the shade like this portion, which was really nice
Sterling Lake
Luckily, I had the foresight to wear a baseball cap to protect my blackbody hair from setting my brain on fire. Unfortunately, I was largely still asleep when I started out and forgot to put on sunscreen, I'm not burnt but my shoulders are a teeny bit warm. I seem to have successfully dodged the dead sexy sock tan line, though.
So having hoofed 8.5-9 miles this morning, I feel completely guiltless about spending the rest of the day finally catching up on all the episodes of the FX series The Riches that I've missed. Due to DVR issues, I was completely missing 3 episodes but managed to download them from Amazon, and I have the remaining 4 episodes on my new DVR.
Otters rule!
The aquarium was fun. One of these days we have to get our asses out to your neck of the woods and save you some gas money ;)
Ooh- those pictures were really cute. I don't think that I've ever been to the Shedd- which is amazing considering that I went on almost every single school field trip offered from grade school to high school. I even went to see a VERY bad version of Hamlet put on by COD students. You know you're in trouble when they indicate that they were not trying to be accurate so much as get the "feel" of the play. Oy.
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