In the range of Pixar films, I think Ratatouille will be tied for my 2nd favorite next to Finding Nemo and behind Monsters, Inc. Just really sweet and clever and fun, and damn do those Pixar folk have the fur and hair animation down to a fine art. Quite a welcome pick-me-up.
I also hit a yarn store with Laura and picked up some Noro Silk Garden Lite yarn (which is a beautiful silk/mohair/wool variegated yarn - basically if I had porno fantasies about yarn, Noro would be in there every time.) I'm planning to make this scarf with it. It's surprisingly not too difficult a pattern, it's quite repetitive, but easy to screw up if you were dopey like me and tried to do the pattern without a row counter because I ended up skipping a duplicated row and part of the scarf was backwards. (Luckily that was just practice anyway.)
Toodles for now,
It was a really cute movie. I can't say I would be saying "awwwww" if I saw 100 real rats in a restaurant kitchen, but in the context of fiction, it was damn cute.
That movie was disgusting. There were cute parts, but it was the most digusting thing I've seen.
Especially the part where Remy's dad takes a big shit in the soup.
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