Friday, July 13, 2007

Seismic Disturbances is Fun!

So I had my first bellydancing class (finally! the crowd says) last night and I LOVED it. Yes, at times I felt like a stumbling elephant on crack but for the most part it was really fun and let me just say again for all of you - that shit is hard work. I was mostly ok with the simple footwork we were shown but when you combine it with trying to keep your posture and then do crazy stuff with your hips, well, let's just say I have room for improvement. There was one hip move where you basically act like you're shutting a car door using just your hip (like when your hands are full) or you're hip-checking someone out of your way. Which I can TOTALLY relate to. I want to get a jingly hip scarf - it's funny how the one the instructor was wearing really helped accentuate what she was doing.

Heathen, if you're reading, email me cuz I got questions for you!

Anyone else, if you have the chance to take a class like this, please do it, it's a lot of fun and good for you too!

ETA: Strangely enough, there was this little house across from the dance studio that was painted to look like the American flag. Not just one wall. THE ENTIRE HOUSE. Yeah.


Laura said...

you gots hips that jinglejanglejingle

Heathen said...

Is there a way to e-mail you from your blog? I'm not sure what your e-mail address is.

I'm glad that you had fun at the class!