Monday, February 20, 2006

Just When I Thought I Saw All the Stupid in the World

So I'm leaving Target, and I see this woman park her pickup truck. She gets out of the truck and she's yarping on her cell phone as her daughters get out the other side. Great, so she was talking on her cell and driving with young children in the car. THEN, she starts to waltz toward the store - without even bothering to shut the door of the truck since she was STILL yapping on the phone. Her daughters had to call her back to shut her door. I'm so tired of all the dumbass in the world.


Laura said...

is it wrong that my first question was why couldn't the brats just close the door for her?

I mean, people on cell phones bug the hell out of me. I can't take a quiet train ride or get in an elevator or walk down the hall without hearing half of someone's boring conversation.

Donna said...

Well it's not like she had gone that far, just around the back of the truck and waltzing toward the store. The kids were on their side of the truck going "uh...Ma?" It would have been as far of a walk for them to go around and close it as it would have been for her to take her head out of her ass and close it herself.

greatwhitebear said...

"Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life on this planet!"

The most honest words ever uttered!

greatwhitebear said...

Okay, you're slackin again! Two weeks is tow long between posts!

greatwhitebear said...

too long, too!

greatwhitebear said...

okay, you have a new profile pic, now... how bout some new posts?