Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Men CAN Multi-task

A frequent complaint I hear from women (among other frequent complaints women may make) is that men cannot multi-task. I believe this is not true, and here's why.

It all boils down to the way men and women think about sex. To put this in a purely nerdy perspective, let's think of this in terms of a personal computer.

When women think about sex, it is much like using an application such as Microsoft Word. They call upon it when they want or need to use it, do what they have to do, then close the application and move on.

When men think about sex, it is a process that runs in the background from the moment you boot up to the moment you shut down. For many men it may even be the entire operating system that holds everything together. This means at any given moment, though a man may appear to be doing only one thing, they are in reality, multi-tasking. They are:

1) thinking about sex
2) doing whatever else is most pressing at the moment

Quite frankly, we are lucky they are able to remain upright at all, much less multi-task to the extent that they do. The constant strain on their resources may also partly explain why they seem incapable of hitting a hole as large as the standard toilet hole when they pee.

So remember this the next time you're about to be unfairly hard on your man - and be grateful that men, unlike dogs, cannot lick their own balls.


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