Thursday, June 17, 2004

An Ode to Filkins

Here is a limerick dedicated to the sometimes-object of my affection.

Though Filkins looks much like an elf,
I wanted his hands on my shelf.
But committed is he
So forever I'll be
Forced to love me by myself.

Disclaimer/Background: When I first met this guy, I honestly thought he was gay. (What else am I supposed to think about an elfin man who reads the commie pinko rag The Nation???) I asked to have his love child, and then found out he was straight as the line that George W. Bush's finger makes as it follows along with each word in his favorite tome, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Since then, I have kept up the charade just to freak out my friend LK (who thinks of him as a brother) with visuals that make her wake in the night screaming. And because Filkins likes the attention from a foxy asian girl such as myself.


1 comment:

Laura said...

actually, the exact quote was "That commie pinko fag-rag".

(this is what my old boss called the Nation... right after he told us of his gun collection and various other scary things no one who lives above the Mason-Dixon line needs to know about)