Friday, July 09, 2004


I dedicate this post to my good friend John.

It is so easy for people to become entrenched in a routine. Routine is familiar, routine is safe. The status quo is where it's at, ho. (I just felt like rhyming) People love the security of routine - it's generally hard to get someone to try something new, consider a new opinion, embark on a course to change their life. This of course isn't true of everyone, but you have to admit, change is hard.

Like many others, I am sure, routine has just about numbed me to how unhappy I am with what I do to pay the bills. Sure it's a good gig, and sure it DOES pay the bills. But it ain't me and it never has been. And if I hide behind routine, I will head into the clearing at the end of the path, having never tried to do what I really want to do. (I know that John is reading this now thinking "What she really wants to do is anal sex." Not true.)

My friend John related a very sad and disturbing story the other day. It's a story that I'm glad he got off his chest, and even though it's sad, I'm glad to know of it. He said it was really cathartic for him, and I hope it helps him. The story really spoke to me, and with his permission, I am going to use part of it as a basis for my biggest dream (besides winning the lottery) which is to write a novel and become a bona fide published author. I may not succeed, but I at least have to try. Wish me luck.


1 comment:

Laura said...

If Lynne Cheney can do it, so can YOU!