Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Fail, or Why I Hate George Lucas More Than Ever

So I ended up seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with John, Laura's parents, and her sis. Well, it was nice to see them and Laura's p's make a mean barbecued chicken. As for the movie:

The Good: Great big chunks of old-fashioned Indiana Jones fun and high jinks.

The Bad: The Crystal Skull. As soon as I saw what it was I thought "Goddamnit, George Lucas, I hate you and I hate your fuckin' stories." Now, I know that Indiana Jones storylines are ALL dumb, implausible, fantastical vehicles for all the archaeological madcap fun. I'm totally fine with that and expected it. But the Crystal Skull goes the extra mile past fun and into unenjoyably stupid. What I actually could have enjoyed were the legends in the movie being solely about ancient South American cultures, no matter how wacky, without the Crystal Skull bullshit.

More of the Bad: Shia TheBeef's (Shia LeBoeuf's) coronation as the next Indiana Jones. No. Just no. He cannot carry these movies. And surprisingly enough, Cate Blanchett cannot maintain a Ukrainian accent.

The Bottom Line: Although a lot of the movie was predictable Indiana Jones fun, the power of an overly lame premise and ending was enough to kill this movie dead for me.

The Final Word: I need to learn to listen to my gut when it comes to movies. If for any reason I get the urge to see The Incredible Hulk (how you make me cry bitter disillusioned tears, Ed Norton) or Sex and the City, I will know to go watch Iron Man again instead.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I wish I could unsee it. That's how much I disliked it. George Lucas ruined yet another childhood memory...