Tuesday, October 25, 2005

No I'm Not Dead

I just didn't feel like blogging for a while. So here I am to plunge into the random.

The White Sox have a good chance to win the Series. As an avid Cubs fan, I will not insult the real Sox fans by jumping on the bandwagon. Also, I just don't want to. But I do hope that the Sox win the Series and maybe the Cubs will be shamed into getting a decent pitching staff. Look, Tribune Company, look at what a baseball team can do with an actual BULLPEN.

It's been a cold and dark year in sports for me, period. The Bears are at the top of the worst NFL division in recorded history. Any team who makes it to the playoffs from the NFC North may as well just not show up as they will vaporize upon contact with a real team. And my trusty alma mater, Illinois, whose football team I thought surely could not get worse after Ron Turner left, can get worse and did get worse. This past weekend was a 63-10 gouging by Penn State. The pain just never stops.

Yesterday I turned 34. It's kind of a weird feeling - I'm "mid-30's" now. My brain hasn't progressed past "late 20's". I've gotten lots o cool gifts though - my friends have noticed my knitting freak to say the least - I got two gift cards to Michaels craft store and lots of cool knitting stuff.

This morning I had to bite my lip to not walk into the office and quit after a super fun 90 minute commute. I really need a new gig.

I think I'm getting sick despite the horse sized vitamin C's I usually take. Bleh.

1 comment:

R said...

She lives! And had a Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Emperor Fabulous! May the coming year be filled with wonderful things.