Monday, May 14, 2007

A Better Weekend

Well, after the slight hiccup Saturday morning, I got my shit together and managed to have a pretty decent weekend. Friday night I had gone to a graduation party for a friend of a friend, which was pretty fun, not to mention Hamburger Mary's has some tasty mini-burgers.

Saturday afternoon I went to my best friend's sister's house, my best friend was up for the weekend and her brother and my quasinephew, Alex came up for the day too. I swear it was only yesterday we were wheeling him in his stroller to the park but now he's holding our hands and asking if we can run to the park, and commenting perfectly clearly, "It is a beautiful day today!" Aw. So cute. ETA: In addition, when I turned down a piece of Snickers cake, his aunt asked Alex if I was demented, and Alex said "No." I know that kid will always have my back.

Sunday I got to see my parents' new place they will be moving to near Rockford. They should be moving in a couple of weeks - evidently there was some water damage to the basement carpet which the builders are replacing now. The house is pretty nice, both of them seem really excited about it and Dad's got his vegetable garden all staked out in the back.

When we got back, we had the carrot cake that I made for Mother's Day (which Mom loves but Dad will undoubtedly beat her to eating the majority of) and then I washed my car - a round-trip to Springfield will earn you approximately 90,000 bug corpses on the hood of your car. Then I went out and bought running shoes and a little thing to strap my iPod to my arm. I got back home and suited up and jogged/walked around the neighborhood for about 20 min. Not great, but I expected to be pretty pathetic starting out - I'm going to try for 3 days a week to start out with. Hopefully I'm not pathetic for too long!

I also was perusing the CLC (College of Lake County) fun courses last night and there is a summer class in belly dancing which I am totally going to sign up for if the cost is reasonable. Shaking my hips that much may cause seismic disturbances, but I really could care less. There was also a beginner hatha yoga course that I might sign up for, again if the cost is doable.

In other news, my kitty Molly is desperately trying to eat graham crackers off my desk.


Laura said...

Give yourself some time to get into a groove and you'll feel better about running.

I also just realized that one of your post tags to the right is "Cat Torture"... it raised a eyebrow for a moment...

Heathen said...

I never thought I'd say but I have actually started to like exercise. I'm not always in the mood when I start, but by the end I have an endorphin rush (I was so suprised the first time that happened- cause I thought it was bullsh*t- I almost fell off the step I was working out on). It also helps me to manage my stress levels A LOT. I can at least partially alleviate a bad mood by exercising.

I do agree with Laura though- give yourself some time to get into the groove. It took me several years of exercising to start getting the endorphin rush (I am naturally slug-like). It will pay off in the end, and not just physically.

Donna said...

Heathen, I agree that getting started is the hardest part. And, since I still suck at running, about halfway through kind of sucks donkey balls too. But I will get better!