Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekend et al

Bellydancing is still going swimmingly even though my cats think my jingly hip scarf is the embodiment of insensate evil. I picked up a new instructional dvd by Amira which I already love because it has an intro that shows women of all shapes, sizes, and ages gettin' their bellydance on. Very cool.

Had a good weekend - Saturday was a reunion of sorts with a very good friend which included my getting to see Ratatouille again (still love that rat!) and then a great great night for Ravinia. Beautiful weather although we left at intermission because it got too cold when the sun went down. Which is kind of an odd blessing for the middle of July!

Sunday I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows All. Freaking. Day. I was quite pleased with this final installment of the Harry Potter series, much more so than I was with the previous two books in the series. I won't write any spoilers but I think most fans will be pleased (and hopefully they will all leave J.K. Rowling in peace).

I got some slightly disconcerting news in the health department today which I have yet to discuss with my doctor so it still may mean nothing for the time being, but please cross your fingers for me if you could.



Laura said...

A several-years coming book series with an actual ending?? Wow. That's a novelty ;p

What's your take on John's theory? I can't weigh in cuz I don't know shit.

Heathen said...

I wonder if all cats think the jingly hip scarf is the embodiment of evil? Maybe I should take my scarf with me to other people's houses who have cats and shake it to see what they do. Are you up for some experimenting- we could make it a bi- or tri-state study?

R said...

Hee -- that would be funny, a multi-state study of the effects of jangly hip-scarves on cats. :)

I hope your health scare is nothing to worry about! Those are never fun! Sending positive energy your way!

Donna said...

I guess I could take mine over to Laura and John to see if their cats wig out?