Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Running Out of Tacky

So Laura and I were talking today, and I invited them up to my neck of the woods and noted that I could give them directions that would take them past the local Tacky Spectacle, the Onan Pyramid House. Now I am quite sure I showed this phenomenon to Laura when she visited a couple years ago, but I can hardly blame her for blocking it out. It is a spectacle both dazzling and underwhelmingly peculiar to behold.

It is, for lack of a better term, an "Egyptian compound" complete with pyramid, 50-foot Tut statue, hieroglyphics on the walls surrounding the compound, and if my memory doesn't completely fail me, a metal palm tree. All planted smack-dab in the midst of the lush cornfields of Gurnee, IL. Basically, it is what would happen if Britney Spears and the Luxor had a baby. Do you ever worry about the day when the universe could run out of Tacky? No, I don't either, but I have never had to worry about that possibility, seeing as how I've known about the Onan Pyramid House for years.

Move over, Liberace, (credit to Laura) because Tacky's got a brand new (or, decades-old) bag.


Laura said...

I must have blocked it from my memory, because I have no recollection of that at all. The only spectacle I remember is the gigantic Bush/Cheney '04 banner in someone's front lawn.

But I also want to see the house that is painted like an American Flag... That, combined with the Onan house would fill my tacky quota for the year I think.

Heathen said...

My favorite tacky trip is going around some areas of my childhood suburb during Christmas time. I'm surprised that they're allowed to put that much lights up so close to O'Hare- I'd be worried that the plane would mistake the street for a runway (I grew up a 10 minute drive from OHare). I was very sad though, the year that Carl showed me that K3 could out tacky my poor little northwest suburbs....

Laura said...

It's not nearly as extravagant as I imagined. It almost looks like an empty parking lot, fenced off with cheap plaster columns (yes, like those at the Luxor temple), and a Spinal Tap-sized replica of a paper mache pyramid painted mustard gold... I mean. If you're gonna build something like that... at least make it look better than a blown up version of a grade-school diorama

Donna said...

Yes, extravagant I could take a certain pleasure in, like the gloriously over-the-top tackiness of the Luxor and of Vegas in general. This is why I'm convinced that Britney Spears' genes had a hand in the Onan Pyramid House, rendering it pathetic and underwhelming to behold.