Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My Cats Imbibing Treats

Today I gave the cats some Feline Greenies treats. Even though Guinness is my thin cat and Molly is my chunky monkey, the following is and always has been an accurate depiction of their approaches to the arrival of treats.

Guinness: ZOMG TREATS TREATS OH MAN TREATS FUCKIN' RULE *chompchompsnorf* *gulpchompsnorf* TREATS ARE SO AWESOME THEY ARE TOTALLY THE SHIT *chompsnorfsnorfinhale* BITCH ARE YOU GONNA EAT THOSE TREATS OR WHAT??? (directed at Molly)

Molly: Who am I? What are these? *sniffsniff* Hm, I think I can eat these. *crunchcrunch* Bit hot out today, don't you think? *crunch* What is math? *crunchcrunch* Why do I even care what math is? *crunch* Jigga wha? HEY. (directed at Guinness who has come to commandeer the treats that Molly was too slow to eat because she was pondering math.)

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