Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Completely Jacked Up

I had the most jacked-up dream last night so I'm hurrying to blog this before I forget it.

So it started out, I was back down at the University of Illinois, and I had just left some guy I was dating to run over to a math class, which if you went to U of I, you know most of the math classes were in Altgeld Hall. Only when I got to Altgeld, it wasn't really Altgeld, and I wasn't really going to math class, I was having surgery because something was wrong with my ovaries or my eggs or some such crap. Buh??? Not only was I having surgery, but I was going to be awake for the whole thing, and since dreams are crazy like that, I had no issues with this. So I have the surgery, wide awake and not feeling a thing, but I had to come back the next day because the woman who did the surgery (in street clothes by the way) said she might have nicked my spinal cord somehow. BUH??? So this time I'm still not getting anesthetic, but another surgeon comes in and pinches the crap out of my arm when the cutting starts, presumably to take my mind off having my abdomen cut open. Right, then. Then I heard my best friend's brother and her husband outside the room and I begged the pinching surgeon not to let them in because they wouldn't want to see me like this but he let them in anyway. Then I woke up.

I didn't even have Nyquil. I have no idea what that shit was all about.

1 comment:

cillic said...

Cillic Center For Dream Interpretation to the rescue!

University of Illinois = Your (much better than your present) past

some guy = sex toy

Altgeld Hall = Daley Plaza during the filming of the Blues Brothers

Your ovaries = death

surgeon = Tickle-Me-Elmoe

spinal cord = Chicago Bears

arm pinch = baked scrod with a lemon-butter viniagrette

best friend's brother = pez

When you use those symbols, it all makes sense!