Sunday, June 10, 2007

Izzard/Stewart Sandwiches and the Decline of Society

Last week Eddie Izzard was a guest on the Daily Show. Eddie Izzard and Jon Stewart. If I were to be convinced to do a threesome, this would be one of the first combos to try out on me.

In other news, Paris Hilton had to go back to the pokey. B. o. o. h. o. o. Seriously, if you wanted to look at this in a purely financial, profit-maximizing light, (which I wouldn't but I'm sure the Hiltons would) she should have shut her yap, served her time, and made a giant contribution to MADD or some similar organization and at least pretend that she comprehends the potential consequences of a DUI. Instead, we have a 25+ yr old screaming for her mommy in the courtroom. And if you're like me and don't want to contribute to the Hiltons' vacuousness ever again, here's the hotels in the Hilton Hotel Group. I hate that I spent that much time talking about Paris Hilton, but I really think she is a sad icon of what's wrong with the world today. Talent and laws just don't matter as long as you're rich, thin, and your legs spread like room temperature butter.

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