Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mixed Bag

For your pleasure today, a couple of repeat postings (repeat if you are my friend on Facebook)

Really sweet story of a new cross-species family.

Today on a street corner near the office, we were accosted by people giving out FREE ART. BOXES OF FREE ART. I refused to have it foisted upon me, but a couple of my friends accepted the boxes. Which turned out to be this inexplicable mess. I peered briefly at the book and found it dull. I listened briefly to the cd and laughed my ass off for the whole minute that I could tolerate it. I can best describe it as the musings of an angry person living in his parents' basement trying to express his views of the world via Casio keyboard. The super-cheap model Casio keyboard.

In bellydance news, class tonight with Nilaja was great and I also picked up some fun Skittles-colored skirts from her Calico Garden stash. So far I've picked sultry/angry music for my solos (all two of them!) and I know I need practice emoting in different ways in my dancing. Enter Harry Belafonte's Jump in the Line, which makes me ridiculously happy to listen to so I expect it will make me happier to dance to it. So this is my tentative pick to perform at Zafirah's fundraiser hafla in May. Ergo, my new candy-colored skirts will be awesome for a calypso-ish theme :) And I need to work on my shimmy something fierce!

Must stretch a bit before hitting the hay. Night, y'all!

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