Sunday, March 21, 2010

So Grand in My Brain, So Little in Reality

Daylight Savings Time apparently gets harder the older I get because I could not get enough sleep this week.  I was able to catch a couple of bellydance haflas this weekend, which both inspire me and make me think OMGIWILLNEVERBEGOODDANCER.  Yes, I think in all caps a lot.  The lovely Zafirah and I hit IKEA today for some cheeeep mirrors that I am going to put in my home office so I can get my dance practice on right.  However, at the moment, they are leaning against the wall outside that room.  :-s  Honest, I am going to spring clean as soon as this project at work is launched and get that set up and get my shimmy working correctly.  I feel oftentimes that it's brokedown and busted.

For now, my latest two uploads to 365 Project, my baby girl (erm, as much as a 6 yr old cat can be a baby) Molly and a beautiful veil bellydance routine from Saturday night.

Molly on 365 Project

Veil in Motion on 365 Project

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I <3 Molly so much.