Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Word You're Looking for is "....ANYWAY...."

Oh the weirdness.

The other night I had a dream that I was on a scavenger hunt with John Kerry. When I found the item we were looking for (I think it was a Wonder Woman picture), he hugged me. I was really uncomfortable, as most of you know I don't like being hugged and John Kerry doesn't exactly evoke warm fuzzy huggy feelings.

The next night I had a dream that I was helping federal agents capture Lindsay Lohan so she could be committed to a mental institution. Again, whaaaa????

My cat Guinness loves water. He loves eating grass and licking fruits that are really juicy, like watermelon. The other day I put a piece of watermelon in a dish for him to lick on. His delighted mewing immediately brought my other cat Molly on the scene, expecting delicious treats like, well, meat. I let her sniff a piece of the watermelon and she physically recoiled, hopping back a few steps and glaring at me with her "Bitch, what in the holy name of FOUL was that???"

Anaconda is on tv right now. I remember nothing about this movie except Jon Voight getting eaten and subsequently puked back up by an anaconda. Wow did JLo look bad in this movie. Her eyebrows are nearly plucked bald. Funny what a kojillion dollars will do for your look. It obviously gets you better eyebrows.

I was hoping to take a week off in Sept or Oct and just veg but it's possible that won't happen depending on what lands on my plate at work. I'm thinking about just leaving at Thanksgiving and coming back to work in 2006.

There was just a commercial on for Crayola Erasable markers and crayons. Personally I thought it was a good learning experience to have to try and incorporate a crayon oopsie into your drawings and have it make sense. Now kids won't have to learn to live with the consequences of oopsies, they just get to erase them. I'm probably overly paranoid thinking that this has something to do with the seeming decline of personal accountability in the younger generations, but maybe I'm not. Then again, if parents have to leave it to Crayola to teach their children about living with mistakes, things probably weren't going to turn out well anyway.


R said...

Donna, you are a genius. See, I knew that something bugged me about the damned erasable Crayolas. And you figured it out. Thanks!
Also: v. odd about the hugging John Kerry. He's not really huggable. But hey, I had a very odd dream the other night involving exploding powdered sugar and my sarchastic co-workers. So, uh, yeah.

Laura said...

Isn't there also a lesson for mom to learn about having to incorporate a crayola "oopsie" into her decorating motiff?

I feel so left out, I don't remember my dreams. Or maybe that's my subconscious kicking in and saying "NOPE - you don't WANT to remember that missy" and pulling an Eternal Sunshine...

cillic said...

The other night I had a dream...

It means you don't like cherios, that's all. Don't read anything else into it.

The next night I had a dream...

Replace 'federal agents' with 'pedophiles' and 'mental institution' to 'sex dungeon' and you have a more accurate picture of her life. Is that little tramp even 15 yet?

My cat Guinness loves water...

Funny, my pet water loves Gunness.

Anaconda is on tv right now...

I have this image of you on a beat-up sofa in a wife-beater and tighty-whities scratching your crotch while drinking High Life. Guess that's the only way I can immagine anyone voluntarily watching Anaconda.

I was hoping to take a week off...

Come to St. Louis. Please. No-one else has bothered to, and we're lonely. I'll get a copy of DOA2 and you can mufficate me ALL! NIGHT! LONG!

There was just a commercial on...

I can't come up with anything funny for this. It's just sad.

Donna said...


I do like cheerios though. I prefer Honey Nut, but regular are ok too.

I don't want to dream accurate reflections of Lindsay Lohan's life, I kind of would like her to be locked into a mental institution till she gets a grip. She'd probably just freak out again on the outside though.

You know what the worst part of watching Anaconda last night was? Waiting for Jon Voight to get puked up and then finding that TNT cut that scene out. Sitting through a stunningly inaccurate representation of what an anaconda can actually do is no fun if someone's not getting puked up by one.

I would come see you guys but I doubt I can get the time for a while. Also, St.Louis makes me itch.

Laura said...

HEY! We came to St Louis once... Maybe we shall come again someday - but only if we can bring our 'baby'.